Filter bags
The Markert filter bags for disc filters withstand the high mechanical loads of most different areas of application. The excellent cake drying times with best cake separation behaviour possible and the excellent durability are particularly worth mentioning.
Examples of use: Mineral & Mining, alumina
Filter bags for Diastar filters
Thanks to production by means of our sewing robots, our Diastar filter bags offer constant and best possible fit. High throughput with simultaneous high filtrate clarity are particularly worth mentioning. Thanks to our modified polypropylene, the bags are also resistant to maximum temperature applications up to 110°C. Depending on the system type, the Markert filter bag consists of 3 – 8 channels, with neck and integrated sealing cord at the top. At the lower rim, there is a weight bar which is reusable, thanks to the removal slot.
System: Backflush filters
Areas of application: Alumina, food
Examples of use: Production of alumina and sugar

Filter bags for Diastar filters with welded holes
The Markert filter bags for Diastar filters produced by sewing robots distinguishes itself by its high throughput and simultaneous high filtrate clarity. We produce the Markert filter bags of 3 – 8 channels, with neck and welded holes for neck pins at the top. At the lower rim, there is a reusable weight bar. The modified polypropylene ensures resistance at maximum temperature applications up to 110°C.
System: Backflush filters
Areas of application: Alumina, food
Examples of use: Production of alumina and sugar
PEEK filter bags for centrifuges
Centrifuge insert consisting of a continuously welded PEEK double-layer fabric with PTFE side edge reinforcement. PEEK is a special material which is resistant to high temperatures and chemicals.
Systems: Horizontal peeler centrifuges
Areas of application: Chemical industry
Samples of use: OLED production

Centrifuge inserts
For the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, we can recommend you our Markert centrifuge inserts. They offer excellent resistance and provide for little particle loss. More advantages include a considerable filter cake and little residual humidity.
System: Horizontal as well as vertical peeler centrifuges, top discharge centrifuges, inverting centrifuges
Areas of application: Food, chemical industry
Centrifuge inserts for horizontal peeler centrifuge
Areas of application: Food, chemical industry
Examples of use: Production of pharmaceutical active agents, production of plant protection products

ferrutex® filter bags for disc filters
ferrutex®: New path-breaking fabric for iron ore and pelletizing plants. Best cleanability thanks to elastic effect with high mechanical resistance.
System: Disc filters
Areas of application: Mineral & Mining
Examples of use: Iron ore concentrate and pelletising systems, tailings and pastefill
Filter bags for disc filters
Markert filter bags ensure, for example, constantly high throughputs, 100% discharge of the filter cake and an extended service life as well as best cleanability possible. Welded longitudinal seams, instead of the standard sewn seam, ensures little particle loss Optional: Support bag to protect the filter bag and increase drainage and dewatering.
System: Disc filters
Areas of application: Alumina, Mineral & Mining
Examples of use: Concentrates, tailings and pastefill

Filter bags for leaf filters
Due to perfect fit manufacture in combination with high-performance fabrics, filter covers suitable for the most different pressure leaf filter types ensure best possible service life and filtration. In this connection, the fabrics have to withstand highest requirements and ensure perfect cake discharge as well as clear filtrate.
System: Moore filters, DDS filters, Scheibler filters, AMA, Kelly, Niagara filters, vertical pressure filters, progress frame filters
Areas of application: Alumina, Mineral & Mining, chemical industry and food
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Support bags for disc filters
The support bag supports abrasion protection, extension of the service life and the increase in the drainage area.
Areas of application: Alumina, Mineral & Mining
Examples of use: Concentrates, tailings and pastefill

Support cloth for the centrifuge insert
Thanks to the drainage function, the filtration speed is increased and at the same time also the cake dewatering during centrifugation.
Areas of application: Alumina, food, chemical industry